2*12= 24 Holiday Nights Accommodation + E-education Package 1 with Free Wellness Plan

PRODUCT COST : Rs.11,465/-(Inclusive Taxes)
Shipping Cost : zero
Total Cost : Rs.11,465/-

To enjoy Holidays at amazing Indian destinations throughout the year, Club SARSO brings an opportunity at this amazing Cost for you  to avail Two Holiday Nights Accommodation every month in  one complete Calendar Year for two adults and two children (under the age of 8) at SARSO affiliated resorts . The program also offers a food voucher worth Rs 1,000/- every month to the purchaser.

This Product also brings you the access of 240 Online Education Courses (e-Education Package 1 on ) along with the wellness benefits from SARSO’s Health partner IHO (Indian Health Organization) part of Aetna (a Fortune 500 company) Demand Draft of Rs. 549/- has to be sent with every booking request.

Promotional offer Benefits 
Club SARSO presents Free Wrist Watch (M.R.P. Rs. 999/-) with the purchase of this Product.
Club SARSO presents access to  with SMS Pack (10,000 SMS).

Please Note: The usage of this Product is governed by Terms and Conditions mentioned on, and also printed overleaf on Voucher.

The Request Application Form for Holiday Booking has to be sent duly filled with the required documents to Club SARSO Holiday Redemption Cell independently administered by IHSPL,Chandigarh.The Form can either be downloaded from by using LogIn Details sent to you after the Payment of Product is received by Company. You can also fill the form printed on the Holiday voucher itself which is sent to you within 30 days of your Purchase.

About the author

Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus. Aenean fermentum, eget tincidunt.


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